볼티모어교회 오디오시스템
# Payment History
-$5000 6/6 Check# 10834
-$10000 6/17 Check# 10841
-$5226 6/22 Check# 10842 Paid in Full. Thank you.
* 비디오 관련 작업은 교회방문후 논의후 진행. 비용은 파트에 레이버포함 약 $1000 ~$1500 예상. 추가비용은 아래에 명시됨.
# Parts and Labor
(qty) Item Description
(2) JBL Control 25 speakers
(1) Loud speaker management Processor
(8) 10inch Floor Monitor Speakers
(1) Behringer S32 Digital Snake
(6) Sennheiser EW-D Handheld system
(2) Power Surge Protector and Sequencers
(1) Stereo DI Box for Keyboard
(2) Audio Rack
(1) Hum Isolator for Audio for Video
(1) Cables and Consumable Allowance
(1) System Design, Administration, Order management, Project management, and Training. $1000
(1) 2men Travels and 3days Work (Mon~Thu, 9~5/day) $4000, 추가작업시간당 $100/hr
# 교회제공.
2bed 3 Nights Hotel. 교회에서 가까운곳으로 부탁드립니다.
# 추가작업 비디오 프리젠테이션 프론트 & 부스 Parts & Labor
. 라인체크 및 커넥터 수리, 추가 와이어링및 HDMI Extender
견적을 낼수 있는 기회를 주셔서 감사하고, 변함없이 정확하고 성실하게 서비스를 제공하도록 하겠습니다.
이견적서는 SOUND4U AV의 재산이고 다른 경쟁업체나 공사업체에 공개되거나 기본서식으로 사용될수 없습니다. 단 본사를 컨설턴트로 계약할 경우는 협의에 의해 디자인과 내용을 공개할 수 있습니다.
Status changed: Pending to Draft.
Status changed: Draft to Pending.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Admin PaymentPayment Total: $5,000.00
Status changed: Pending to Outstanding Balance.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Admin PaymentPayment Total: $10,000.00
Status changed: Pending to Outstanding Balance.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Admin PaymentPayment Total: $5,226.00
Status changed: Pending to Paid.
Invoice updated by hyunwoo.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.